Full Body Checkup
Before we go further Let’s have a look at the different examples. A vehicle. You can either take it to a mechanic even if it does not appear to have any problems as part of a routine maintenance check, in which case all the washing, cleaning, checking, and changing could cost you a few thousand rupees. Alternatively, you can wait until it develops problems and then consult a mechanic. There will be washing, cleaning, checking, and changing with one major difference under this option. You will be set back a few hundred thousand rupees. You have a choice. And that's assuming you still consider such a situation to be a "choice." Similarly, the human body, like all other living things, experiences wear and tear and shows signs of aging. You could go for an annual health or monthly check to find out what's wrong with you ahead of time and take preventive measures to live a pain-free life. Alternatively, you could wait until problems arise and then go to the doctor, who wou...